Season's come and go... Spring arousing emotions of new life... enticing us for the Summer days ahead of warmth and life in full bloom. Fall, in its majesty of colors passing us into cooler days of Winter playing in the snow making angels or building snowmen.
Our life continually full of passing seasons, somehow always seeming to repeat itself containing just enough difference so as not to be an exact repeat of the last. Though I feel like I'm walking in a circle, my circle slowly expands with each new season that passes, just enough that I fall short of dizziness.

Amidst this present season I idly stand by and watch as one of my closest friends mirgrates south, and unfortunately not just for the winter. What does one say... You laugh at the cliche statement; 'You don't realize what you have till it's gone'... and yet it holds so much punch to it that none can deny its wealth of truth. I somewhat mourn the loss of a dear friend as she passes through this winter to her spring season... and I can almost say that literally. I do not mourn the death of the friendship, rather the death of the physical closeness that will prevade another day. So deeply has her life impacted mine that I lay hollow inside mourning the loss of idle chats over tea, or culturally exposing our friends, or laughs and tears of day to day life, and most - the heart to hearts that arise from nowhere and just are, when together. I will miss the part of our friendship that is so treasured in just being with one another.
People come and go in your life like seasons... each one bringing with them varying degrees of impact. Though I see now - friends remain - regardless of time and distance. I'm honored to have such good friends in my life and pray that I can only leave behind some degree of impact as they leave upon my life. (positive of course - haha)
You have had a positive impact on my life during the last year and a half (yes, even before I met you), and for that I thank you.
I look forward to the seasons changing once again so that I might see my friends once again.
Good post. Just tonight, amid some very bad news, I am reminded of the verses in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, there is a season for everything.
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