
My God is Green... Mee thinks.

Why is green... green? Why not red or black? Where did these color names even derive from? Regardless... The color green is GREEN... It just is, and is accepted universally. So why is it that God is God, and yet we can not seem to accept that?

Why is it that we attempt over and over again to define Him? Why do we attempt to contain Him within borders drawn with such permanent markers? Or within walls of such hardened cement? Why do we try to put our own clothing on Him and try so hard to tightly pack Him into our little boxes?

How is it that we dare to confess to know this God? and yet tomorrow will find ourselves making contradictory statements to held opinions on varying matters of His matters and ways? Why is it that we make such bold and profound statements regarding our belief system and will hold to it regardless of proven true or not? Fighting to hold onto preconceived notions and ideas of past? What is so scary about the revelation of truths?

These questions make me think of the color Green. Sure the color green is made up of varying mixtures of yellow and blue, however, regardless the shade... it remains green. So too is the Being of God... God is God... though very much made up of varying characteristics and virtues. We confess to know this God, and perhaps a better confession would be to say we are getting to know God or we know aspects of God.

We attempt over and over again to define Him emphasizing certain subcategories in which only creates borders and walls. Borders and walls... that in time... the earnest heart will find those preconceived ideas and notions shattering. Yet, the shattering of those pieces should bring a sense of liberation and freedom... knowing within that there is so much more to learn and know, that maybe He is just that Grande and Divine.

There is this mystery surrounding God and I wonder if we'll ever fully know or understand all of who God is. Accepting the mystery of God brings almost a sense of relief; that He is just that Grande that man alone cannot even contain Him within borders, walls or boxes. That maybe its not about all these rules and regulations and living up to expectations... that maybe its just the exploration and being real (honest, vulnerable and willing to allow change) with what truths are revealed amidst it all.

I'm reminded of a favorite quote of mine;
"My aim is not to be consistent with my previous statement on a given question, but to be consistent with the truth as it may present itself to me at a given moment. The result is that I have grown from truth to truth..." (Gandhi)

Maybe its time to just be... throwing out preconceived notions or ideas, erase the boreder, tear down the walls, destroy the box... maybe there something we haven't 'got' that is by far more beautiful then trying to live within these parameters we want in an attempt to create peace, safety and happiness.

In the midst of being - destroying the boundaries that are in reality keeping us bound from fully experiencing life. In the midst of being - opening our minds, eyes and hearts to the possibilities of change. In the midst of being - accepting that life wasn't necessarily meant to be full of happiness that in fact; Happiness is not Joy.

Maybe its time to live Green.... accepting it for Green, but knowing that there is so much more to it then we'll ever really see. Today this God I genuinely and soul wrenching am desperate to know is seen through the color Green...
..which just happens to be my favorite color.. haha.


doxasky said...

I was wondering if you were going to mention that quote by Gandhi...and there it was. It quickly became one of my favorites when you wrote about it last year.

I was also wondering why Green and not any other color, and now I know!

That box can be hard to destroy if you don't realize that there is a box or that it needs to be destroyed.

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