It doesn't matter what leads people away from God's life. Anything will do, as long as it preoccupies them enough to serve as an adequate substitute for the real thing.
It’s easier to see the problem when the standard is circumcision in Ephesus than when it is Sunday morning attendance in Kingston. But both can lead to the same place—bored and disillusioned believers, no longer embracing Father’s life.
When you realize that the routine you’ve stumbled into is not substantially contributing to your desire to know God better, some incredible things can happen.
Just be real with Father and resist the urges to crawl back into your shell and silently endure lifelessness. Your struggle stems from the call of God’s Spirit to your own. Ask him to forgive you for substituting anything for the power of his love and invite him to show you how your diligent efforts at good works for him may be obscuring his love for you. Let God do the rest. He will draw you to himself.
Won’t it be a joy again to wake up confident about being loved by God every day, without having to earn it by any act of righteousness on your part? That is the secret to first love. Don’t try to earn it. Know that you are accepted and loved, not for what you can do for God, or somehow hoping that you will be worthy of his acceptance, but because his greatest desire is to have you as one of his children. Jesus came to remove any obstacle that would prevent that from happening.
In this kingdom you really do get what you seek. That is the point of the whole thing. If you are looking for a relationship with God you will find it.
If you look at what you’ve ended up with, then you’ll know what you’ve really been seeking!
(Excerpts from "")
Interestingly enough it amazes me how easily distracted we can become. What things and even people can occupy our time. I'm challenged lately with this thought: What is consuming your time? That is what will consume your heart! Oddly and ironically it is this that I find myself most frequently pondering, almost consuming my thoughts.
My intentions are often well-being. Read, study, meditate and journal. Go to the gym, eat well, and live healthy. Call, write, and visit loved ones. Yet, my intentions remain just that intentions... how is it that I successfully and continually fail at these things? I often start out strong and then plummet. My endurance diminutive.
I have learned there is but no other option then to get up when you fall! I often fall short of my own expectations, though I am quickening the speed at which I stand to my feet again. Learning to accept forgiveness and grace while attempting to extend it to the same measures I find myself receiving.
I am finding a new joy within my life, reuniting with a lost loved one, and learning to love again! Love Him, myself, others and Life! It is a most enjoyable and unique experience not without its moments of trials and temptations. Though if you know me well, you know the depth of impact this statement alone means!
I confess I feel as though I walk as a child at times: almost experiencing everything anew or at least 'differently'. Questions galore of course (some things never change) but with a deep sense of acceptance of the mystery that encompasses all!
I totally understand where you are going with your thought, but included in that is if we love God we will obey all his is an action word. Remember that verse about the man who stood before God and he said, but Lord, Lord I did all these miracles in your name and He responded","depart from me you Lawless (without the Law)ones, I've never known you." :) *just a thought*
Oh Jod... I love returning to work to see what you've wrote! thanks!
Now: granted I feel that obedience is not an entity on its own rather it lays in conjunction with loving God. I must say, that if you know not the one you love, nor sure of the love they have for you - obedience is futile. It is out of love that you will find one attempt to walk in obedience.
The verse you speak of seems to exemplify this: The man you chose to use as an example did not know God - therefore did not truly know His love nor His laws.
All I am saying is that the root, the foundation, it all has to extend from love. It's quite simple (simple enough for a child to grasp) yet can be complicated enough for an adult to conjure. It is about finding that true love... going back to that place. I suppose all I was really saying was I'm easily distracted! I get caught up in routine of useless and futile efforts - pure laziness really. lol
ps. loving this by the way!
This is fun and I have missed it also. The facebook phenom really distracted me for a while, blogging is sooooo much better. ANywho I agree with you on your points. ONe question for you though, if the man never knew God how did he perform miracles?? It is so hard to have in depth convo's over the internet.. cést la you!
I agree... come to Regina! Better yet, let's do a road trip sometime. I've got the bug sitting here in Calgary preparing to leave in the morn. sigh... why must I love this place so much?
p.s. I'll answer your question later.
Road trip would be great! Once things settle down in my life with J starting work I then think I'll be able to get away.
Maybe shopping in the states or something... anyway have a great trip, be safe.
You know how to contact me! Always up for a good road trip! The beetle was seriously plain ol fun!!! We must go!
I agree.... let's make it work, maybe this summer????
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