Moments later I had almost forgotten how long it had been since we last connected. Hours later it dawned on me how much time had actually passed since our last face to face connection and I sat there oblivious to my facial expression of utter shock. It had felt like yesterday, even through the brief synopsis of years gone by. A few hours later baring the depth of hearts compiled with both seasons of joy and seasons of death... a few revelations hit my soul. Watching her leave the next day, my heart grew heavy with shame for not staying in closer contact, and ironically with a deep sensation of pride. I was proud to call her my friend, I was proud she could call me friend. We were friends regardless of time and circumstances.
I sit here several hours after her departure contemplative...
I sit here several hours after her departure contemplative...

One more notable mention of a close friend; often mistaken for a sister. Considered one from both sides. Randomness of crossing paths with quick one-liners and sharp humor based harrassment was the courting of a friendship that I never guess would prevail so strong and long. A friend close with rare seperation of time that can often be the seperation itself of neglecting the heart to heart chats because you pass each other so often. They are the ones that are like mirrors - something all women have a love/hate relationship with. Though, still needed and wanted!
True friends are rare... they are the ones that over miles and years the reuniting actually only feels like moments have passed. They are the ones that at the end of the day you know they stand with you, not beside or behind, but 'with'. They are the ones that on those 'road trips' come back with voices hoarse and callous from singing at the top of your lungs. They are the ones that can make you laugh to tears. They are the ones that you know you can always call regardless of circumstance and time. They are the ones that will mirror your life and call you straight up on what they see. They are true friends whom I have found of late to be the greatest of assests that I possess in my life.
My heart lays heavy today with saddness as the shame and guilt compounds upon each other. I have been an awful friend over the years, so self-consumed, so driven for what I didn't possess and thought I needed and wanted. My heart also ironically battles the saddess with utter aweness of what I realized today I actually have. The tears upon this keyboard are so mixed with both emotions running out of control... realizing how not alone I am in this world with my God and the treasures He's really given me.
I think I am the one you didn't care for at first... :) So my question because I am a noisey friend, who is the friend you spole of in your first paragraph???????
Her name is Jen.
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