Another New Page... ?
I am far from a trend follower. I am not fashion incompetent, but nor am I a fashion guru. I love style, most often admiring those who really stand out or follow their own sense of creativity through fashion. I understand there are certain environments that lean toward a particular fashion of dress... (I can't say I'd wear jeans to a wedding, or sweats to a graduation.) There are unspoken rules on attire to certain functions and gatherings. Understand! Get it, got it.

Uncomfortable: Gawd these things are so uncomfortable! My toes hurt from being pushed by gravity to my toes, where they bunch up and rub with every step.
Purchasing: Not to mention that shopping for heels with a size 3 foot is the most annoying process in the world!! Try finding a pair that does have bows and a six inch wide square heel that looks like they're supporting children! Oh, but if you happen, just happen to find a pair of adults close to your size - finding the right combination of toe jams and insoles to make them fit, especially when you apparently have one foot just a tiny bit smaller then the other - is like going to the dentist (actually maybe worse). Okay, so now we have them on, somewhat fitting right - so we think - and we're off.
Walking in heels: oh my, please don't make me walk...can I just stand in one place and look pretty? Please? Every step is literally like walking on your toes... but if you happen to be a heavy heel walker like myself - well, heaven forbid - watch every step - cracks suck your feet and plant you immovable. Slippage - every four feet, the back of my smaller foot - the heel slides up and down, catching myself so as not to fall or lose the heel completely. Heaven forbid you might have to walk a bit faster or make a sudden move - just not feasable! Plus then there's walking on cement or concrete - why not just follow a trumpet player - announcing my presence or upcoming arrival!
Driving: okay, so my foot slips off the clutch every other push - I'm gonna destroy my transmission! So I move the seat closer thinking that will help - nope! Might as well just sit on the steering wheel! I'm short - and already close enough, but heaven forbid I was to ever get into an accident - I'm so close to the airbag I'd die instantly! Flippin' heels - so I take them off to drive - only having to put them on again to exit the car.
All day my feet beg me...
BUT: here's something else... why is it that being in heels makes you feel so sexy. Yep, as much as I absolutely hate the things, even with a pair of jeans on - I feel sexy. I feel like such a 'whoaman!' haha. Odd...and yet, as sad as it is for my baby feet - I will again forlough the chucks for heels at the next function (or interview). sigh... my feet defeated in it's battle for Chucks only. haha.

My roomie has an environmental sensitivity that forced me in the beginning to recycle - literally being scorned when she'd pick my recyable items out of the garbage in front of me. So we begun the five bin recycling zone: 1) cardboard & paper 2) plastics 3) tin 4) plastic bottles 5) the worms (for food). Though it felt like I was being forced in the beginning I can say now that it has actually become a choice now for me.
The more I recycle the more I see I consume so much crap! I'm finding myself becoming more conscious of what I purchase and how it's packaged. I'm starting to ask the question 'Do I really need this or just 'want' this. Attempting to consume less goes against every grain of our societal norm. We are pressured from every which direction to buy more, purchase the latest new gadget (which is my weakness - love technology), try the 'new and improved' _____.
Men and women like Ghandi, Mother Thereasa, and Aung San Suu Kyi (the more famouse radicalists), inspire me in their liberation of consumerism. They were neither drawn or influenced by it, they understood the simplicity in minimalism and the freedom it therein allows.
I've begun a new journey to aspire and attain that same simplicity of life. Perhaps not to their degree - haha. I'm starting slow (recycling and resuing where I can), attempting to purchase needs only and being consciencious of my ecological footprint.
- From conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption.
It continues to amaze me that the more we learn the less we know. Just when you think; "Okay, I've got a handle on this... I get it." Bang - something surely crosses your path and you're left with the realization again of how ignorant you are. Days are passing a little too slowly lately as I walk out this realization and again hunger for more education. Recent days have left me assaulted not only physically but mentally. Raped of all sense of assurance and almost all confidence.
I blame this present season on the arrival of summer. Spring sparks life within... a hunger for more... a stirring to seek out adventure... a sense of urgency to do before the fall quickly returns and I slip into hibernation for winter days.
I scan my 'bucket' list... (things I want to do before I kick the bucket) and grow overwhelmed with where to start. My to do list grows longer every waking moment... my frustration in time restraints continues and I attempt to rebel by hiding my watch in the back of my closet. Yet, within I grow deeply anxious... the desire to live grows stronger with each sunrise. The desire to experience more deepens with each sunset. The moon finds me contemplating the majesty around and pondering where I will find myself next.
I sit here tonight attempting to still myself and seek a deeper awareness of His leading and teaching. Floods of thoughts surrounding my occupation fill my mind recently as I walk out this journey of inner struggle. Struggling between the feelings of superior inadequacy and the notion of how to walk between grace and justice. Where does my role lie between the two... For most of my life I have always had this insane emotion and sensation to fight injustice... yet, how do you fight injustice and exemplify grace and forgiveness simutaneously?
...random bits for today...